My herd is small, clean, and closed. I raise these beautiful goats for milk

My herd is small, clean, and closed. I raise these beautiful goats for milk
These goats really work. I use the milk for cheese and soap, and other things. I milk by hand and expect lots of good tasting milk and nice manners on the stanchion.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Milking Again

In spite of record snowmelt and a flooded barn and valley, we girls soldier on and are milking with the new Simple Pulse machine I got for Christmas. Love my husband!


Monday, May 15, 2017



I'm pretty sure this. Wet fresh raw milk chèvre rolled in toasted walnuts and cranberries will be a hit tonight. Thank you ladies! 


Monday, May 1, 2017

Come Find Us

I' will be at the Selah Farmer's Market this year from June to September and I've also been invited to do demos at the Central Washington  state fair again this year. Come say "hi"!!