My herd is small, clean, and closed. I raise these beautiful goats for milk

My herd is small, clean, and closed. I raise these beautiful goats for milk
These goats really work. I use the milk for cheese and soap, and other things. I milk by hand and expect lots of good tasting milk and nice manners on the stanchion.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Luci had Triplets

Luci had triplets and her udder is looking dang nice for a 9 year old lady who has had many, many kids!

                    Milk genetics!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Another Girl!

Bella who is wild as a hare just gave a darling little girl. This doeling is flashy as heck and reserved for Betty B. 
Bella surprised me by having a cute little ff udder and very nice tears for hand milking.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Feta in Process!

                   I'm making feta!!
                      Cutting curd

    Letting the curd sit and release whey

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Goat Milk

Did you know that goat milk is an alkaline- forming food? Helps keep the ph level of your body at the proper level. 
I'm thinking this is extra good news for all of the people who still love milk in their morning coffee like I do, except they add a pinch of baking soda to theirs to make it less acidic😄🐐 
Drink raw goat milk line I do and you won't need to add baking soda to your morning cappuccino or latte!