My herd is small, clean, and closed. I raise these beautiful goats for milk

My herd is small, clean, and closed. I raise these beautiful goats for milk
These goats really work. I use the milk for cheese and soap, and other things. I milk by hand and expect lots of good tasting milk and nice manners on the stanchion.

Friday, February 27, 2015

2015 Kids Are Here!

 We have brand new udders and every one of them is lovely. We have a dozen kids- calico colors, moonspots, blue eyes and jet black even. There are some beauties!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

CAE/ CL Negative

Always happy for negative results!

Friday, February 20, 2015

First Kids of 2015

Phoebe gave me twin bucklings. One jet black (so far) the other moonpots. Nice long ears but they will be wethered. Phoebe's udder is gorgeous and the teats are good sized and well-placed. She's easy to milk so far. Nice thick stream. She will be a family milker because she has a small flaw. Sad because she's gorgeous and sweet. I will enjoy her milk though, and not worry about showing her.

Phoebe's udder right before kidding.
I will post more pictures in a few days.
Lola and Fiona are both due and ready to go any time. Miss Kay is also due but not looking quite ready.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Sunny Day

We have had such foggy, gray skies that today was a magnificent treat! Just in time, too. We have babies due next week. I'm pretty sure Fiona isn't going to wait that long though. Her ligaments are totally gone.
Here are a few shots of today.
Luci giving her pet boy a hug.
Pheobe and Fiona
Kusko and Pacha

I'm pretty sure Luci is telling him a secret.

It's sunny and I don't get to go to yoga class today so why not outside with my barn buddies?

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Blood Draw Day

Today was the first sunny day we have had in too long. Glad we picked such a great day to spend drawing blood for CAE/CL testing and getting the last of the feet trimmed.
The majority of the girls are due the 3rd week this month- so soon! I am really excited!

Lola below always has triplets like her dam before her. I'm really hoping her daughters follow suit.
She has less than 2 weeks to go and looks about as big as usual toward the end.
Notice my little white alpaca in the background? He still hates me. :(

These girls don't want any more scratches or treats. Their jugulars have been poked and they are afraid it will happen again.

The goats that got tested were all the ones above 1 year old. Results will be in by the end of next week.

 Lola XN02189
Adelle XN03902
Stella XN03901
Phoebe XN03904...
Miss Kay XN03903
Miss Ruth XN03905
Snicklefritz XN02216
Fiona N1567249
Luci N1401872