My herd is small, clean, and closed. I raise these beautiful goats for milk

My herd is small, clean, and closed. I raise these beautiful goats for milk
These goats really work. I use the milk for cheese and soap, and other things. I milk by hand and expect lots of good tasting milk and nice manners on the stanchion.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Farmers Do Their Own Vetting...

Barbosa was a good boy today. He got attacked my a scary monster that made alot of noise and "ate" the hair off of his throat...then he had some nasty "poison" syringed down his gullet. Not to even mention the needle that sucked his blood...makes you wonder what goes thru their poor minds sometimes.

Today the bucks got their blood drawn for CAE & CL testing, and they got wormed. Getting ready for breeding season and winter! Much thanks to April and her Dad and boyfriend- couldn't have done it without ya! But I bet you could have done it without me!