My herd is small, clean, and closed. I raise these beautiful goats for milk

My herd is small, clean, and closed. I raise these beautiful goats for milk
These goats really work. I use the milk for cheese and soap, and other things. I milk by hand and expect lots of good tasting milk and nice manners on the stanchion.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Rut- Stinky Buck Season!

How could such sweet baby blue eyes match up to this little character? He may be small, but he's wooing the big girls. The Nubians might not mock this little Nigerian this year.

Don't buck goats look like werewolves? I think so. They go from cute, beyond darling little sweet babies to hormonal monsters.

Welcome Lucy!

Lucy with Daddy. Daddy had shoulder surgery so he actually gets to be home for the entire fall season and some of winter. He and Lucy really bonded.

I got a new milker today. Two year old Lucy. She's a sweetie. OUr herd is all young does right now, since we sold almost everybody last year, so Lucy didn't have to get beat up to get "initiated" in...good for her!

She'll be bred to Handsome Rob. Pearl to Barbosa, and maybe Glory to Barbosa as well. Peach will be bred to Blackberry my Nigerian Dwarf buck. (he's a blue-eyed, handsome dude)